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Our Team

Honesty and integrity are the cornerstones of which SLS was built. There are a lot of liquidators out there.  Most will offer suppliers the "highest" recoveries, and buyers the "lowest" sale prices.  These can be conflicting priorities.  Our team promises transparent interactions and will work toward the best outcome on all fronts.  Our goal is always to match the best inventory with the right buyer to create a winning scenario for all parties.  If you'd like to learn more about how we can be your partner, please contact a member of our team.

Our Company

SLS, also known as Second Look Solutions, is a liquidation provider, connecting retail and manufacturer suppliers with secondary market buyers.  Whether you're looking to build a full, ongoing liquidation program, or just looking to move some closeouts in a one off fashion, we will work with you to plan, create, or find a solution.  There are no categories that are considered "off limits".  All opportunities are evaluated regardless of size, category, or conditions.

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Whether you're looking to buy, sell, or just learn more...







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Looking to sell inventory?

SLS will work to develop a liquidation program that best fits your need.  Whether you are looking to build a program to alleviate returns inventory flow, or just have an inventory one off that needs moved, we will find or create the secondary market sales channel for your business need and meet all selling criteria and restrictions.

Looking to buy inventory?

SLS has a variety of deals readily available.  We support multiple categories and work with various suppliers, some exclusively and others on a one off basis.  If you're interested in seeing what's available, please feel free to add your email to our distribution list in the box to the right!  

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